

Rather than trying to navigate a dozen vendors, it is far more time efficient and pleasurable for me to simply do business with The Promo Source. We benefit from their excellent customer service, commitment to quality, and competitive pricing. These days, it’s rare to find a vendor with their commitment to excellence. Thank you!

  • Janice Hoyo, Director of Marketing
  • The Irvine Company Apartment Communities

Creativity and enthusiasm enabled us to create an exciting and appropriate line of merchandise to support our film project. The Promo Source brought a deep level of understanding to our branding and imaging goals, and developed the exclusive line of EXTREME merchandise for worldwide distribution. A great job and a fun experience!

  • Peter Bayak, Executive Producer
  • EXTREME–an Imax film

The Promo Source continues to hit the mark with the comprehensive collection of personal wearables and accessories in expressing the Saab brand. The annual Saab catalog truly exemplifies our partnership with The Promo Source.

  • Mary Knowlton, Accessories Manager
  • Saab USA